male and female he created them

Dear Karen,

In the King James Version of the Holy Bible, it is said in chapter one of Genesis, verses twenty-six and twenty-seven that, “God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female created he them.”

And once upon a time, you taught us that there was nothing true about it. At one point, you were affirmed so strongly by what you believe.

It’s been brought up to me that you don’t want to hear any of my rants, so I’ll just get straight to the point, as shallow as that makes me feel.

Stop it Karen. Just fucking stop it. These are the facts: Alexander Mitchell is dead. He died in an unfortunate automobile accident on November 2nd, 1994. Alexander Mitchell is in Hell. We’ve all seen him there. The only difference between the rest of us and you is that we’ve come to accept the things that we cannot change, no matter how strongly we believe we can.

Move on, Karen.

In the beginning, God created Karen Mitchell. He created her to destroy him. He created her to witness her bringing to the table a path of clarity for those who are willing to walk it. We are all willing to walk your path, even he who you yearn after so avidly. You have led us to enlightenment, and now the tale is told just as the book says: God creates Karen, Karen leads Man, God destroys Karen, and soon, man will destroy God.

For the sake of those you used to care about, if that even means anything to a ruthless bitch like you, please do not let this become more taxing than it already is. Come back. Drop every volatile plan or idea, and just come back. Whatever it is that you might be thinking about the situation in the States, just know that they can’t find us. You have no reason to be where you are.

I am delivering this letter to you with someone I trust, though I doubt you even know what that word means.

