not one to reckon with

Dear Charles,

We've never met, but I've seen you many times. Sometimes I watch her. I've seen the two of you together. And I've seen her crying. Crying because of you, Mr. Ramon.

I love my sister more than I loved my wretched life. And if you continue to hurt her, you soon find that the Mitchell family is not one to reckon with. I assure you, Mr. Ramon, you have never experienced torture as cruel as I can provide. 

Karen saved my soul and taught me what it meant to live, and also what it is to die. She is beautiful and divine. How she continues to love the likes of you is beyond my comprehension. But she does, and she calls you God and cries in the dark when you are away for too long. You are no god, Charles Ramon. You have no divine power, no control. Your smooth and suave demeanor is a façade beneath which lies a weak and twisted man, cowering in the dark corners of his own mind, praying that my sister will one day save him just as she has so many others. She will not. I would say that you are beyond any help, but nothing is beyond Karen's power. And yet she will not save you. Because before she could ever reach the time where you would see fit to call upon her, she will realize her terrible mistake in associating herself with you. 

I am not a naturally violent man, Charles Ramon, but I will protect my sister at all costs.

Alexander Mitchell