pretending is fun

Dear Karen,

In response to your letter, I would like to state, for my sake, that I am not as powerful as you may think. You may think that I know all of the answers to this but I don’t. There was no saving Alex. And there’s no saving you for that matter. Timothy and Stanley are gone from this place.

You will die for your sins, of this I am certain, but how? That, my dear, will be clear to us all in due time. 

Your brother need not have died in vain, but to right the wrongs, to re-establish the balance, you will have to pay, Karen.

This is fun, isn’t it? Pretending? Deception is your hobby. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Because others have suffered for it. And will suffer. Your recreation is the expensive kind, Karen. You’re lucky that I can afford to provide for you. 

Enclosed is my credit card. Please don’t go over my limit. I have enough bills to pay as it is. You know what I mean.

Yours Truly,
